Archive for March 20th, 2012
National Symposium on Neurodiversity at Syracuse University:
Symposium 2012
Call for Proposals
The National Symposium on Neurodiversity is a yearly conference at
Syracuse University that seeks to promote academic inquiry into
neurodiversity as a concept and social movement. The 2012 conference
will take place in October 2012 at Syracuse University. More details
about specific dates and locations will be forthcoming.
Proposal deadline: June 1, 2012. Please submit all proposals to
neurodiversitysymposium@gmail.com .
If you need any assistance creating or submitting a proposal, please
contact Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri at the Center on Human Policy, Law, and
Disability Studies, at razubal@syr.edu .
Types of presentations wanted: We are interested in presentations that
deal with issues currently being explored within the neurodiversity
community. While this conference will focus largely on issues
affecting the Autistic community, individuals are welcome to present
on topics that investigate a broader application of neurodiversity as
a framework.
In an effort to create an environment that is as universally
accessible and egalitarian as possible, we do not require individuals
submitting proposals to be associated with a college or university.
Participants do not have to identify as disabled/having a disability
or as part of a neurological minority to present, although we highly
encourage those who identify as members of these groups to submit
presentations. We welcome presentations by individuals with a wide
variety of educational backgrounds.
Please note: Although this conference is intended to promote critical
inquiry into the current state and future of the neurodiversity
movement, we are not interested in presentations that reinforce
stereotypes about neurodiversity or individuals who identify as
neurological minorities. The intended audience of this conference is
individuals who identify as disabled or members of a neurological
minority, and their neurotypical and/or nondisabled allies.
Nondisabled parents and medical or service professionals are welcome
to attend, as allies.
Structure: The Symposium will take place over a period of one or two
days, and will include opening and closing keynote presentations by
invited speakers, and up to 8 presentation sessions chosen from the
proposals submitted. Each of these presentation sessions will be
followed by a discussion of up to 1 hour in length. There will also
be space and time designated for participants who wish to create their
own roundtables/discussion groups.
Other events at the Symposium may include: exhibitions of
neurodiversity-associated organizations; musical and non-musical
performances; and an award ceremony honoring individuals helping to
advance neurodiversity and the neurodiversity movement in academia,
the service-provider realm, and greater society. (Details are not
finalized, and may be subject to change.)
Topics of interest:
*Autism, gender, sexuality, and sexual identity
*Neurodiversity in disability communities beyond the Autistic community
*Applying current understandings of disability rights, theory, and
community to the autism & Autistic communities, and to our
understanding of neurodiversity
*Mental health, psychiatric disability labels, and neurodiversity
Advocacy/Rights Issues
*Independent and interdependent living: developing alternatives to
state-supported service models
*Technology, advocacy, communication, and neurodiversity
Neurodiversity in Different Settings
*Neurodiversity and popular culture
*Rhetoric used in conversations about autism and/or neurodiversity
*Neurodiversity in higher education
*Neurodiversity in the PreK-12 school system
Note: We may consider robust proposals for presentation topics that
fall outside of those listed above.
Accommodations: We are committed to universal design, and will do our
best to accommodate any needs you may have. In order to make sure we
can do so effectively, contact Rachael Zubal-Ruggieri
(razubal@syr.edu) with access needs as early as possible.
Travel: Due to budget constraints, we are unfortunately not able to
provide funding for travel to this year’s Symposium.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at:
Forwarding and cross-posting off-list is permitted and encouraged.
Please spread far and wide! If anyone would like a copy of the Call
for Proposals in Word or PDF formats, please send an email to
neurodiversitysymposium@gmail.com .