In the series Born To Be Different, Channel 4 has, for the last 11 years, been following the lives of six remarkable children all born with a disability. Zoe, Emily, Hamish, Shelbie, Nathan and William all face different challenges as they pass the milestone of their tenth birthdays.
William, 11, has tuberous sclerosis and also has complex epilepsy, severe learning difficulties, autistic spectrum disorder, challenging behaviour and ADHD. During the three programmes he has the joy of his tenth birthday, a huge milestone for the whole family. Finally the family are able to adapt their home to make it more suitable for William, who has variable mobility due mainly to his epilepsy. His behaviour then shows significant deterioration, his SEGA brain tumour has grown and is causing headaches and irritability. The family face the trauma of invasive brain surgery to remove the tumour. William has spent so much time in hospital over his life he has a significant fear of any medical procedure.
William has very high care needs and two years ago Paula (his mother and main carer) was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. Family life goes on regardless and the documentary shows the joy and challenges of raising a child who was ‘Born to Be Different’. As Paula says,
With MS you are advised to get lots of sleep and avoid stress, I guess whoever gave this advice had never met William.
The Davises admit that life with William can be really tough but his winning smile always carries them through.
Programme 1 | Thursday 9 June | 9.00pm |
Programme 2 | Thursday 16 June | 9.00pm |
Programme 3 | Thursday 23 June | 9.00pm |