Article Date: 11 Nov 2010 – 4:00 PST
Mary Muscari, associate professor in the Decker School of Nursing at Binghamton University, is author of Let Kids Be Kids: Rescuing Childhood; and a person who has avoided stress-out Thanksgivings for over 20 years.
Ways to keep stress from turning your Thanksgiving into a real turkey:
— Shop ahead of time for non-perishables and have your list ready for what you need to purchase right before the holiday.
— If you’re going to breakout the good serving ware, getting it ready ahead of time. Don’t wait until Thursday morning.
— Have the entertainment ready TV for the football fans; Wii, board games or DVDs for everyone else.
— Share the chores so that everyone gets to enjoy the day. If you can’t share them with family and friends, share them with Betty Crocker, Jimmy Dean or whoever makes something you can heat and eat.
— Yes, healthy is better, but this is Thanksgiving we’re talking about. If you can’t make it healthy, tasty AND easy to cook, worry about being healthy some other day. Lighten up what and where you can for ‘T-Day’ and pre-plan to cut back during the rest of the week. You can enjoy a serving of stuffing on the big day; just don’t stuff yourself with it all weekend.
— Minimize the driving. You don’t have to visit every family member in one day honest! Alternate years, or celebrate another day. Have mini family Thanksgivings one day a week during November and stay home and relax on Thanksgiving.
— Remember the meaning of the holiday. It’s about giving thanks. In these difficult times, we need to be thankful for what we have. Make sure the kids know that. And when you have a moment, drop some food off at the nearest food bank for those who are not so lucky this year.
— Happy Bird Day!